County Vape 600 120 Wht

Help save vaping by writing to Health Canada and telling them that it's wrong to make a harm reduction product less effective!

This is the only chance we have to stop this targeted and willfully ignorant attack on vaping! FIGHT BACK!

By clicking on one (or all 3!) of the these industry associations logo and fill out their form, they ensure that either a pre-written email or one you can write yourself (Much preferred as it must be read if it's unique) will reach where it needs to go for you

Our Name


Our Purpose

We are your source for selection, flavour and trusted advice.

We are here to help everyone we can to make the switch  to vaping

Our Headquarters

Our Offer

Your road to a tobacco free life begins with you walking in the door and asking for more information and how we can help, or call us for more information at:

Or you can email

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“Popcorn lung”, “Exploding vapes”, “No long Term Studies” these are all headlines put in front of you to scare you in to demanding an unsustainable amount of regulations on the industry they by leaving only the largest most well funded companies able to compete. Wanna guess who they are? Thank fully as education grows we are seeing the tide shift to hold those who would write such intentionally misleading headlines accountable for their deceit!

Get informed!

Use your voice!

Paying it forward

VAEP Wings logo

We’ve worked for years to to help VAEP educate and promote their message of ensuring Canadians are given ALL the information to make an informed decision on issues surrounding their health.

We have all fought to quit our unhealthy ways alone. Often starting this battle being told to "Just quit!", Starting with the stage for confidence and success . . . . . . But as the times will change so to do the tools at our disposal!
Woman Smoking
Consider us As your personal back up ! Your Own army reserve! Here not to fight a battle but, to wage a campaign of war against your Lifetime of Harmful addiction!
To show you how we have won ourselves! To Show how You are not alone!

Your Journey

Having smoked cigarettes from the age of 16, being able to quite 20 years later was nothing short of a miracle in my eyes.  I had done all the “recommended” solutions to no avail it wasn’t till I found Vaping that I was able to finally leave it behind. I joined this community of people who care more about the time I have on this planet then I did about anything else. 

Vaping helps me to reclaim time that was most likely going to be stolen. Which means it’s a priceless technology that has the capacity to disrupt many different economies and expose the bad actors manipulating them. 

At County vape you can rest assured we care about your community. It is our goal to help every smoker quit while conducting ourselves and our business practices with the highest level of professionalism and customer service possible. 




County Vape Sheild

Vaping is restricted to people 19+ in Canada

are you over 19?